Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Lake Argyle - Western Australia

Finally - The Kimberleys Western Australia

Spillway Creek - lots of fish which didn't want to get caught

Charlie happy to be in WA

Its a hard life - the wonderful pool overlooking Lake Argyle

Dead Horse Springs

Durack Homestead

Lake Argyle

Lake Argyle

Us swimming in Lake Argyle just before sunset on our cruise

The sun is going down and casting great shadows

Water as far as you can see

Clarrie was given good and water from our neighbours while we were on the JJJ cruise

Well what can I say - Why didn't we do this years ago!!!  So far what we have seen of the Kimberley Region of WA is spectacular.  We drove from Katherine to Lake Argyle and had a couple of stops in free camps along the way until we came to the oasis which was Lake Argyle. As we were nearing the border of NT/WA the landscape changed into majestic mountain ranges and boab trees.  After clearing border control at WA we were finally here - I got very excited to cross the border as I've never been here so am really looking forward to exploring the whole of the coastline of this beautiful state. 

Lake Argyle is magnificent - its classed as an inland sea covering over 1000 square kilometres.  It is contained within the spectacular Carr Boyd Ranges and was formed by damming the Ord River in 1971.  It is Australia's largest body of fresh water.  We had 3 nights at the spectacular Lake Argyle Tourist Resort and it was totally relaxing.  From there we did a sunset cruise of Lake Argyle which was one of the best tours we've done so far on our trip.  It is hard to appreciate just how big this lake is.  We were taken to one spot where all we could see was water and the horizon and we really did feel as though we were at sea.  We had a wonderful swim in Lake Argyle even though we had been croc spotting only an hour or so before and Lake Argyle is home to a huge amount of freshwater crocs but we were assured they wouldn't hurt us but what the heck, we were here and we just had to do it!! 

The tour was great, very informative with lots of lovely cheese, bikkies and pates plus champers watching the sunset.  I can't get enough photos on the one blog so will put some more on a separate blog of Lake Argyle - its truly somewhere you must all see!!

Met some lovely people there who "minded" Clarrie while we were away and made sure he had food and waterj - they're as mad as we are!!  Sadly all good things must come to an end and we left there this morning and headed into Kununurra to explore some more of the region.  Have booked a flight over the Bungle Bungles for Saturday (it was on the bucket list) so we are looking forward to that.  Anyway that will be the subject of another blog so until then
Adieu from the Wandering 2s.
PS If you are thinking of doing this - DO IT!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh wow!! Lake Argyle looks amazing. Wonder if I convince your son to take us there one day...:)) You two look so relaxed...and's kind of making me sick! xx
