Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Sunday 28 August 2011

El Questro

Carr Boyd Ranges El Questro Station

Zebedee Thermal Springs El Questro

Zebedee Springs

El Questro township

Helicopter ride over El Questro station

Small water crossing

Emma Gorge

Emma Gorge

Emma Gorge

Emma Gorge

Emma Gorge

Pool at Emma Gorge

Well we are now finally in an area with internet connection again so have quite a few blogs to catch up on.  The theme of these next few blogs will be ROCKS AND MORE ROCKS!!!  The Kimberley region is spectacular with amazing rock formations, gorges, rockpools and hot thermal springs.  I just love bobbing in the hot thermal springs!!!

We decided to go and have a look at El Questro station and the famous Zebedee Springs and Emma Gorge and we certainly weren't disappointed!!  The Gibb River Road which took us to El Questro was gravel and corrugated but as long as we were careful no problems at all.  A few people had said it was a bad road but we didn't find it that bad - Charlie must be a good driver (did I say that? I must want something).  We did a few creek crossings, including Moonshine Creek which I thought was a lovely name. 

Zebedee Springs is beautiful - very natural and quite challenging to climb over the rocks to get there (well for me anyway seeing as how I'm like a "cow with a gun", my husband's words but worth it when I started bobbing in the warm clear waters.  We then went to the El Questro township and had coffee and wandered around.  There was a spectacular art show there with the artist showing his paintings of the wonderful Kimberley region - just wish I could have afforded to buy one but probably wouldn't have fitted in the caravan anyway.  But then I thought I've got 2 paintings hanging in the caravan painted by my granddaughter Lexi which are priceless!!!

We then went into Emma Gorge which again is lovely but I think I'm getting a bit "gorged out" at the moment!!!  The end result is a lovely plunge pool but again quite a bit of rock hopping to get there.

Then back to Kununurra before heading off to have a few days of R&R at Parry Creek Farm at Wyndham which is a large wetland so looking forward to that.

Until then Adieu from The Wandering 2s.

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