Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Saturday 20 April 2013

Launceston and surrounds Jan/Feb 2013

Charlie and his "girls" while we were housesitting at Hillwood

Railton - a small town with lots of topiary

Penny Farthing historical village of Evandale

Sheffield - a town of murals

This was quite a unique mural

Me amongst the lavendar at Bridport

One of the beautiful old oak trees at Bridport Lavendar farm

One of the spectacular wood carvings at Campbell Town

The sundial at Campbell Town

Part of the "convict pavement" at Campbell Town - small offences, big punishments!!

The convict built bridge in the historical village of Ross

Me at the site of the old Female Factory at Ross - they had it hard in them days!!!

One of the cute little buildings in Beaconsfield

Outside of the Beaconsfield Mine Heritage Centre

The interpretive wall at Beaconsfield Mine Heritage Centre

The pirate ship at Seaport, Launceston

Part of Cataract Gorge, Launceston

Another view of the Gorge

The bridge over Cataract Gorge

The quaint Swiss shopping village of Grindelwald

Well its been such a long time since I last posted a blog due to the computer playing up and then me having my accident that I've really forgotten what we did so will have to let the pictures speak for themselves,.

We did a 3 week house sit on a property at Hillwood which is on the northern side of Launceston and looked after over 30 rare breed of  chooks and 2 big dogs.  Charlie became quite the farmer and for a couple of weeks we had a lot of eggs and so he was pickling them, I was baking (yes I can!!) and having yummy freshly laid eggs for brekkie. 

 From here we went and did lots of day trips around the area including Beaconsfield which was the site of the major mine disaster quite a few years ago.  The mine is no longer in use and has been turned into a very interesting museum.  We also visited the quaint little towns of Railton where practically every garden has some topiary in it and also Sheffield which is known as the town of murals.  Some of them were very spectacular and unique and we spent quite a lot of time walking around and looking at them.  We also visited the amazing lavender farm at Bridport where we sampled lavender icecream and I bought some lavender bodycream products.

We visited the historical village of Ross which has the famous convict built bridge - it is amazing how they could have done such a wonderful job.  We visited the yummy bakery and had a vanilla slice which was the best I've ever tasted and also another scallop pie - its funny how I can always remember the food!!  We also went to Campbell Town which had some magnificent wood carvings and also a rather unique sundial which actually worked.  There was also the convict pavement with plaques inserted into the pavement on both sides of the road documenting the convicts who arrived there and also their "crimes".

We visited Cataract Gorge and spent a lovely day there just wandering around and also spent half a day at the quaint Swiss shopping village of Grindelwald.

All in all we had a peaceful and relaxing time in this area which was during all the devestating bushfires in Tasmania so we were in the best part of the State while they were raging.

Anyway that's all for now - hoping to update our travels soon up until my accident but for now its Adieu from The Wandering 2s.

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