Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Berry Springs and Surrounds

Charlie, Jane and Graeme bobbing in Berry Springs

One of Berry Springs natural pools

Charlie talking yet again in Berry Springs upper pool

Mandorah Beach Hotel - great spot

Looking from Mandorah Beach Hotel across the Darwin Harbour

Charlie trying his luck again at the Mandorah Jetty

A croc trap on the Darwin River Dam - there was a large saltie in the Dam

He was interested in what we were doing

Historic WWII Strauss Airstrip 5000 ft long and 100 ft wide

Charlie, Graeme and Lyn at the Singalong with Tigertone at the Caravan Park

Jane doing an Abba karaoke number at the Singalong - embarrassed Charlie!!

Well here we are in beautiful Berry Springs about 56 ks south of Darwin at a lovely caravan park called Tumbling Waters - don't you just love the name!!  It is a perfect spot, very relaxing and the owners are brilliant - can't do enough for you.  We had thought to stay for a few days and then move on in closer to Darwin but decided no, we really liked it here and its only a 45 minute drive to Darwin anyway.

We've had a good look around this area and there's plenty to do.  There's the Territory Wildlife Park just 5 minutes away from the caravan park which has won lots of awards and is supposed to be brilliant but we haven't been there yet.  May or may not go. 

We have spent some time bobbing around in the beautiful Berry Springs pools - I seem to spend half my time "bobbing" on this trip!!!  The water is crystal clear and although not hot springs is warm and there are lots of fish which swim with you.  Now me being a Princess took some time to get in because they also nibble at your toes removing any dead skin and I just didn't want that to happen but I finally plucked up the courage and plunged in.  I had my noodle with me so just floated on the top and kept my feet up.  However - there I was bobbing when all of a sudden I felt something touch one of my feet and I screamed - turned into JC and walked on water only to find that it was a leaf!!  Gave everyone a bit of a laugh anyway!!  As it was pointed out to me people spend a lot of money in health spas to have their feet nibbled by fish but not me.  Next time I went I wore my reef shoes!!

We also went to Mandorah Beach and Charlie tried his luck (no luck) at fishing from the jetty.  Its a beautiful place with a lovely hotel right on the beach.  A bloke to one side of him caught a couple of big queenies and another chap caught a spanish mackerel and some queenies, using the same bait as Charlie but unfortunately he didn't even get a bite!!  Still I'm sure it WILL happen one day.  I got fed up with waiting for the "big one" and took myself over to the hotel where I spent a very relaxing (I'm getting really good at this) hour or so with a glass of sauvignon blanc just looking at the ocean.  I could get used to this life - oh yes I'm living it - perfect!!

The caravan park has resident freshwater crocs and put on all sorts of entertainment including Deckchair Cinema on Wednesdays and Saturdays, Didgeridoo info and playing on Saturdays and the highlight of the week the "Singalong with Tigertone"!!!  Its all a bit of fun really as its also karaoke.  Its in the lovely garden bar where you can buy a crownie for $5 so I've had a few of those.  Sunday was their opening night as they are now going to be doing food and there was a lovely spit roast and entertainment.  I had a couple (or 3 or 4) so decided to get up and do a couple of Abba numbers with a couple of other ladies - had great fun.  Am waiting now for the contracts to start coming in so that I can find fame and fortune.

Well I think that's about all from Berry Springs so its Adieu from the Wandering 2s - until my next blog!!

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