Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Saturday 25 June 2011

Katherine - NT- Springvale Homestead

Springvale Homestead where we stayed in Katherine - oldest Homestead in the area

Charlie feeding barra in the billabong - he's desperate to catch one (or two!!)

Elvis the freshwater croc who lives in the billabong at Springfield Homestead

Me taking a photo of Elvis - don't know whether I'm getting ready to run or have "pooed" my pants!!!!

Charlie with his monster cherapin

Poor cherapin but a girl's gotta eat

Charlie bobbing in the hot springs in Katherine near the Homestead

Smoked catfish - I'll tell you all about this one later!!

A magnificent raintree at Springvale Homestead

part of the Katherine River running through the Homestead

Graeme and Lyn our neighbours at Springvale

Yes another damper - I'm becoming an expert now!!

Well we have had a fantastic week at Springvale Homestead which is the oldest Homestead in t he Katherine area.  It is a very laid back bush style caravan park - basic amenities but lots of lovely trees and a feeling of space right on the Katherine River with its own billabong and resident freshwater croc called Elvis.

Now Elvis comes out of the billabong every afternoon at 4 oclock for a photoshoot and stays on the banks until round about dusk.  I'm still wondering how he knows its 4 oclock but he does!!  He must have a "croc swatch" (sorry I know that's awful!!) We were down there on the first day and he almost looks stuffed and we were taking photos of him.  Charlie got a little bit too close and his jaws opened so we beat a hasty retreat!!

This area is absolutely beautiful and we have visited lots of lovely places.  Once again we are on the river so Charlie has been trying to catch more food for us to eat and luckily this time hasn't fallen in.  He came back with a few cherapins which we cooked up and one morning he came back with a catfish caught in the net.  Unfortunately I didn't have the camera to take a photo but the catfish had snuk into the net and was eating the cherapins - he had some of their whiskers hanging from his mouth.  He was promptly despatched and as Charlie was gutting him, there was this perfect cherapin in his gut - I thought for one awful moment Charlie was going to suggest cooking it up and putting it with the rest of them for us to eat.  Anyway as you can see any fish which steals his cherapins ends up on the smoker - YUM YUM!!!

We met some more lovely people called Lyn and Graeme who we shared many a campfire meal with and a few wines/beers/campfire stories etc.  They are heading in the same direction as us so hopefully we will catch up again on the road,

Nothing much else to say from here - have also been to Edith Falls and done a Katherine Gorge cruise both of which were great and I will post some photos etc. of those trips very soon.

All for now, Adieu from The Wandering 2s


  1. Aaah Janie, your damper looks deliciously 'spectacular' you are now the new 'earth mother'!! We had a wander around Springvale Homestead and your pics reminded me of how beautiful it was - we were just passing through though, it is obviously a great place to camp so will have to put it on the list for 'next time'. Wish we were there with you - think of all the fishing I could be doing with Charlie and all the books you could be reading with David!!! We are taking note of all your tips Charlie on solar panels, generators etc. etc. before we head off again. So happy for you Jane and Charlie that you are 'living the dream' (and a teensy bit envious!!) Stay safe and we look forward to the next lot of photos and news - love Lyn & David

  2. Hiya Jane and Charlie Farley, looks like another spectacular trip in Katherine, I think there is something ethereal about Kathering Gorge, and think it was one of the most beautiful sights that we saw on our trip. looking back at all your photos brings back some great memories. You are doing a great job with the blog, keep it up. Nice to catch you on Sue Harvey's phone yesterday at the sailing club!!!. The weather here is terrible, and Andy has arrived with no chance at all of getting out on the boat!! oh well, Had the hair done today, paying bills for the wedding all over the place, it feels like its happening now!! Enjoy Darwin. lots of love Yvonne & Chris .xxx
