Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Sunday 22 May 2011

First Day of Our Round Australia Trip

After waiting sooooo long to follow the dream the 22nd May came around sooooo quickly.  We left Cannonvale this morning after a bit of a tearful (me) goodbye to our good friends Gwen and Ian and Annie who came and had a coffee with us at the caravan park we stayed in for a couple of nights while we were fine tuning everything.  Thanks for the St. Christopher Gwen and Ian - hopefully he will keep us safe during our long journey!! 

This is a bit of a boring blog really because we are only going to Townsville initially because Captain Charlie Check-It has the caravan booked in to the Townsville Caravan Centre tomorrow morning for a service before we really set off.  At the moment we are free camping at Alligator Creek Roadhouse and have met a few other caravanners/campers doing the same thing.  After a nice bbq for dinner, we are settling down for the evening before heading off tomorrow.

Adieu for now and hopefully our next blog will be a lot more interesting but I suppose we have to start somewhere!!!


  1. Oh how exciting!! Captain Charlie check-it! Haha, funny!

  2. Wow, gee you are on the road now Jane! That came around fast. I look forward to keeping track of your journey and adventures over the next year.

    Take good care and travel safely.


    Sharon :)
