Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Monday 9 September 2013

Farewell Tassie June/July 2013

Changing leaves in Deloraine

Temperate rainforest at Liffey Falls

Fungus at Liffey Falls

Frosty morning at the caravan park Longford

Frost looks soooooo pretty!!!!

Ben Lomond National Park entrance

Driving into Ben Lomond National Park - mountain peaks ahead

Huge craggy mountains and clear blue winter sky

View going up "Jacobs Ladder" to the ski resort at the top of Ben Lomond

We are very high up now!!!

The valley below

The ski lodge top of Ben Lomond - we were there about 2 weeks before it snowed

Autumn colours at Mole Creek

Mole Creek historic hotel

Registration hut for walkers in one of the national parks

Chudleigh honey farm where we bought some yummy Leatherwood honey and honey icecream

Icicle from the tap outside the caravan one morning

Winters day at the caravan park in Longford

Snow capped mountains - taken from the caravan park in Longford

Well this blog is just to finish off our wonderful time in Tassie - just a few random photos which I managed to take once I was a bit more mobile after my accident.

We had a few wonderful days out around the Launceston area - went to the lovely little town of Deloraine which is full of art galleries and craft shops.  Spent some time poking around them and having lovely coffee and cake in a very yummy cafe.

We also went to the Ben Lomond National Park, right up via Jacobs Ladder to the ski fields at the top.  Managed to fit that in by the end of June as after that you have to carry snow chains and often Jacobs Ladder is actually closed if there is too much snow.  It is very windy and steep but the views are breathtaking and once again I was hanging on to the edge of the seat, knuckles going white but at least we could see if any other vehicles were coming down!!  Got up to the ski resort but it was closed as the ski season hadn't officially opened but it would be lovely to see it all covered in snow - fairytale land.

We had a trip out to Mole Creek to the hotel for lunch and stopped at the Chudleigh honey farm for tastings and saw a working bee hive.  We also had some beautiful honey icecream.

Woke up to quite a few frosty mornings in Longford - no water in the van as the hoses and pipes had frozen but hey it was winter!!!

All in all we had a brilliant time in Tassie.  Fell in love with the State, the friendliness of the people, the good food and wine and can't wait to head back there soon.

We made some great friends there, other travellers and also Tasmanians who showed us nothing but kindness especially after my accident.

We are now in Adelaide where we are catching up with family and friends, I am undergoing some intensive rehabilitation of my ankle.  We are also eagerly awaiting the wedding of our eldest son in October and after that we will be heading back north for some more adventures.

Until the next blog its Adieu from The Wandering 2s.