Follow Charlie and Jane on their trip around Australia

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Broome - Pearl of the West

Cable Beach taken from across the water at Gantheaume Point

Low tide at Cable Beach

Another view from Gantheaume Point

Cable Beach

Gantheaume Point

Gantheaume Point

Anastasia's Pool at Gantheaume Point built by the lighthouse keeper years ago for his arthritic wife

Dinosaur footprints at Gantheaume Point seen at very low tide and over 120 million years old

Rock formations and beautiful colours at Gantheaume Point

Town Beach in Broome (reminds me of Airlie Beach)

Us on Mallachi - the second biggest camel in Broome

The camel train along Cable Beach on Charlie's 60th birthday


Sun setting on Cable Beach

Sun setting over Cable Beach through our camel's legs!!

Awakening Sammy the dragon at the Shinju Matsuri Japanese Festival of the Pearl opening ceremony

Sammy's awake and walking around the Saturday morning markets

Festival of Lights - pearling boat lights on Town Beach

Children holding pearling boat lights all along Town Beach as part of the Festival

Dragon boat racing at Town Beach

Me enjoying the surf on Cable Beach

Got dumped!!

Beach at Barn Hill Station just south of Broome

Sunset through the tree at Barn Hill Station

Red sky - beautiful

Well we've done Broome!!!  A beautiful place set between a vast red desert and beautiful blue sea and white beach.  I must say we were very pleased to finally see the sea and surf.  Broome is a dynamic place with lots going on, lots of eating places, pearl shops (of course) and plenty of camels. 

We spent quite a lot of time wandering around the town which is really easy to get around.  We looked at the fully restored original pearling luggers which were very interesting.  We were lucky because there was a cruise boat in on the day doing a tour which would normally cost $20 each but we tagged on to the back of it and pretended we were part of the cruise!!  We were then able to taste the exclusive pearl shell meat which is classed as a "true delicacy of the deep" - tasted just like CHICKEN!!!  We then walked up Johnny Chi Lane Historic Walk which reflected the history of Broome on various wall plaques.  We did lots of eating and drinking while we were in Broome and no doubt it will show up at some stage on my backside and thighs!!

We went to Gantheaume Point which was just across the water from Cable Beach and here there are amazing rock formations and vibrant colours of the rocks and sandstone.  We saw the original dinosaur footprints which are over 120 million years old but you have to scramble down rocks at very low tide to see them and it was amazing to think that we were stepping in the same spot as the dinosaurs did all those years ago!!

Charlie had his 60th birthday while we were in Broome so I organised an hour long sunset camel ride along Cable Beach for him - it was great to watch the famous sunset from the top of Mallachi our camel.  We were walking a bit strange for a while afterwards though!!  It was then on to dinner at the Cable Beach resort and had a few cocktails and champagne and I got a hangover - yuk!!!

We were lucky enough to be there for the annual Shinju Matsuri Festival which is Japanese for "Festival of the Pearl".  Its an Australian Festival with a Japanese name with the star being a Chinese Dragon - Uuh work that one out but it was good with events staggered over 10 days.  We only saw the opening ceremony where Sammy the dragon was awakened and the Festival of Lights and closing ceremony because we went up to Cape Leveque during that time.

We had a total chill out in Broome - the weather was spectacular - not too humid and nice and cool at night. 

On leaving Broome we decided to call into Barn Hill Station which is a working cattle station about 200 ks south of Broome.  Lots of people had told us it was lovely and they were right.  We had to drive down 10 ks of sandy road to get to it and we camped up on the top of a cliff overlooking the beach and ocean.  Very beautiful and peaceful.  The outdoor showers are open to the sky and the stars are brilliant!!  Charlie hooked up with a fishing mate for a couple of days and they caught a few fish so we had a feed. 

Anyway we are leaving Barn Hill Station tomorrow and then off to Eighty Mile Beach where we have been assured we will catch fish - Yeah yeah heard that one before but then Charlie always says he's a fisherman not a catcherman and there's an awful lot of water in between the fish and him.

Till next time - Adieu from The Wandering 2s.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Cape Leveque - a stunning rugged paradise

The shell altar in the church at Beagle Bay

Me outside our "luxury" accommodation at Cape Leveque

The stunning western beach

Large rock formations on western beach (oh yes and Charlie)

More rocks and Charlie

More rocks but where's Charlie?

The eastern beach and Charlie fishing

What a sunset - magical


The western beach again

Getting ready for sunset

Diver Dan at the Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm (yes I bought a pearl!!)

One of the beach huts right on the beach (need own camping gear though)

Western beach again

Fishing finished for the day

We decided  to head for Cape Leveque which is a remote area on the tip of the Dampier Peninsula north of Broome.  It is jointly owned by Djarindjin and One Arm Point aboriginal communities.  We had heard a lot about it and we certainly weren't disappointed!!  It has the most awesome rugged red cliffs, white sandy beaches which go forever and tourquoise blue water.  The road there is a bit of a challenge - 95 ks of dirt/sand etc and then about 100 ks of bitumen.

On our way to Cape Leveque we stopped at Beagle Bay aboriginal community and viewed the beautiful Sacred Heart church which is famous for its pearl shell altar.  The work which must have gone into this altar is amazing.  There are also shells inlaid around the stained glass windows and in other areas of the church.

After having coffee here we headed up to Kooljiman at Cape Leveque where we were staying in "luxury" accommodation - our mini safari tent.  Actually it was great - it came with a slat double bed, chest of drawers, fan and lamp plus outside chairs so we could sit and admire the view of the ocean from our deck!!  We explored the western beach which is amazing and this is where the Qantas ad with all the children singing was filmed.

We also visited One Arm Point aboriginal community and visited the aqualculture Hatchery where they grow and harvest the trochus shell as well as turtles, barramundi, mangrove jacks, and all sorts of coral life.  It was very interesting and we saw them polishing the trochus shell.  This is the only place in Australia where it is grown and is the only place legally allowed to polish the shell.  A lot of it is exported to Italy.

Then we went to Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm and had a tour there.  Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm is the oldest Australian and family owned pearl farm and has been operating since 1946 and has only recently opened to the public so it was great to actually see a working pearl farm in operation rather than just a tourist attraction.  It still leads the industry with the largest pearls in the world.  It was a great tour and I really had no understanding of how a pearl is grown and how time consuming the whole process is.  We were then shown the most beautiful pearls and it was explained how pearls are graded.  Of course I bought one - well its in the rule book - do a pearl farm tour - BUY A PEARL!!!!

The next day we drove down on the beach on the eastern side and Charlie did some fishing and I did some swimming, pottering around in the rock pools to see what I could find, reading, and just lazing in the wonderful warm sunshine.

After some great meals cooked in the camp kitchen, great chats with other people, amazing sunsets clutching a glass of wine and nibbles, whales frolicking just off shore it was time to hit the dirt road again and back to Broome.  I'm really glad we went, lots of people said the road was too bad and we should go on a tour but I'm glad we didn't listen to them.  We had a ball.

That's all for now - Adieu from The Wandering 2s.

Friday 9 September 2011

Horizontal Falls - He's at it again!!

Can't help myself!!!

This one has to go on to the blog to show that Charlie is never to old (well in his own mind anyway)!!  He wanted his sons, Matt and Dan to be impressed - well be very impressed boys!!! BUT SHE LOOKS TERRIFIED!!

Adieu from The Wandering 2s.